in case you missed the meeting or need a little refresher, here's what went down:
Name Tags- Don’t forget to make your name tag at least 3” x 3” with your name on it. (at the june sewing night we will be providing some fun supplies to make one if you don’t have one already)
Member Book- we will be handing them out in August.
Facebook- check us out and join our group on face book (Magic Valley Modern Quilt Guild) we are really going to being utilizing this forum as well as bumping up our presence on the blog (Trina is our go to facebook lady)
Summer Scramble- quilting yard swap at the July meeting, bring something get somethings (bring anything sewing related- notions, books, fabric, unfinished projects, etc. that you don't want anymore)
Picnic- we are planning a potluck picnic at the twin falls city park on Aug. 2nd at 6:00. This will be in addition to our regular meeting and sewing night (more details at the July meeting)
Bunting Swap- Introducing the new swap, they will be due at the July 14th meeting. Make any size bunting for any occasion.
Charity Quilt project- we are going to be making quilts for the local foster program (quilts for teenagers are in great need) and we will also be making some for the joplin tornado victims. Our goal is to complete 50 quilts (but lets try for 100)! I know we can do this and really give back to the community! Tara has also made kits that can be checked out.
Visit Our Blog: ( Check the blog for the latest happenings, calendar of events and a newly updated look. We will be starting member profiles again. I will be posting the agenda on the blog instead of sending it out in an email.
Intermission- snacks & socialize
Block of the Month- Let’s share our fifth block and find out what our sixth and seventh block is, don’t forget to bring your block next month. How is everyone liking the BOM and what do you think the theme is?
Demo-Needle case
Show & Tell- We saw some great quilts and lots of fun things
Details for July 14th meeting
-Demo- Hoops
-Bring things for Show & Tell
-A new swap will be announced
-Sewing Night is June 23rd, 2011 7-Midnight
-Any suggestions please email me (magicvalleymqg(at)gmail(dot)com)