Thursday, April 26, 2012
Potholder Pattern
For those of you who were at the last meeting (and heck, even if you were not) here's where you can find the tutorial for the fun folded fabric potholder that Tara showed off.
Other Reminders-
1. Next meeting- May 10th, 2012
2. Next sewing night- May 19th, 2012
3. Don't forget the Super Secret Spy Swap! Bring your super secret items for you super secret partner to the May meeting.
4. Our next swap in the Adopt an Orphan Swap. If you'd like to participate, bring an orphan block (you know- a block you made that never became anything else). You'll get someone else's block to make whatever you like with and return to them.
5. If you are participating in the block exchange, blocks for KZ are due at the May meeting. Bring back any other blocks you have hanging around, as well. Diane- May is your month to bring instructions and fabric for all of us.
6. Don't forget, the guild has an awesome pattern/book/magazine lending library. Use it! And if you're cleaning out your sewing space, consider adding it.